How to Prevent Car Sickness in Your Dog: 12 Useful Tips

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How to Prevent Car Sickness in Your Dog: 12 Useful Tips

Traveling with your dog can be a fun and exciting experience for both of you. But for some dogs, car rides can be stressful because they can lead to motion sickness. You can do several things to help it and make car rides more enjoyable for your dog. 

In this article, we'll review 12 tips for preventing car sickness and helping your furry friend have a comfortable and enjoyable ride without any motion sickness!

Gradually introduce your dog to car travel.

I suggest starting with short car rides to help your dog get familiar with the sounds and movements of the car. As they become more comfortable, you can gradually increase the length of the trips. 

The key is taking things slowly and steadily, so your dog isn't overwhelmed. Acclimating your dog to car travel might take some patience and effort. It can be great to help them overcome their car sickness and enjoy car rides with you!

Keep your dog restrained and secured in the car.

This is important because if your dog is not restrained, it might move around the car more than usual, making them feel sicker.

When a dog is not restrained, it may find it harder to stabilize its body effectively, and it could get more anxious or stressed out, making motion sickness even worse. 

A safety harness or crate can help your dog feel more comfortable and stable, reducing the chances of getting car sick. It can also keep them safe in case of an accident or sudden stop while driving.

Limit food intake before a car ride.

This is because, like in humans, a full stomach can contribute to motion sickness in dogs. If your furry friend eats a big meal before a car ride, the movement and vibrations of the vehicle can make them feel nauseous and cause them to vomit.

Feeding them a small, light meal or no food at all for a few hours before the car ride is recommended. This gives their stomach time to settle, reducing their chances of motion sickness during the trip. Also, provide them with plenty of water to stay hydrated.

Make sure there is plenty of fresh air flowing in the car.

Like us, dogs can feel nauseous and dizzy if there's not enough or stale air, so crack open a window or turn on the air conditioning to keep the air flowing. 

Avoid smoking cigarettes inside the car and using air fresheners or sprays that could irritate your dog’s senses.

Keep your car cool to help prevent motion sickness.

It makes sense that if your pup is hot and uncomfortable, they're more likely to feel sick and throw up. Plus, when dogs get overheated, they tend to pant more, which can lead to swallowing air and making them feel even worse.

So, keeping the car cool is crucial, especially during long trips or hot weather. Keeping your furry friend cool and cozy is a great way to help them avoid car sickness and enjoy the ride.

Take frequent breaks along the ride.

Taking frequent breaks during long car trips is an excellent way to prevent car sickness in dogs. Dogs stuck in a car for long periods can feel uneasy, anxious, and uncomfortable.

That's why taking breaks is so important! 

It allows your dog to stretch its legs, breathe fresh air, and care for their business. Experts recommend taking a break every 2-3 hours during long car trips, but you know your dog best, so you can adjust the frequency as needed. 

Encourage your dog to walk around during breaks, sip water, and do their potty business. Frequent breaks will help your furry friend relax and prevent car sickness. So, plan ahead and factor in some breaks during your next road trip!

Use aromatherapy for relief from motion sickness.

Some dogs can benefit from using essential oils like lavender, ginger, or peppermint. These oils can be applied directly to the dog's skin or diffused into the air in the car. 

Lavender oil is known for its calming properties, while ginger and peppermint can aid digestion. Start by using a small amount of the oils and observing your dog's reaction before using them more extensively. 

Ensure only to use high-quality, pet-safe essential oils, and check with your veterinarian before trying new treatments.

Try vet-prescribed anti-nausea medication or other treatments.

If your dog's car sickness worsens or other methods are not working, consult your veterinarian. Your veterinarian may suggest anti-nausea medication,  over-the-counter remedies, and other treatments to help ease their symptoms. 

Talk to your veterinarian before giving any medication to your dog. They can help you determine the best action for your dog. Some medicines may have side effects or may interact negatively with the medicines they are currently taking. 

Ensure the car is clean and free of odors contributing to motion sickness.

Dogs have sensitive noses, and any unpleasant odors in the car can make them feel queasy and sick. That's why using a pet-safe cleaner is crucial to quickly clean up any messes or spills, especially if your pup is prone to car sickness. 

A clean and fresh-smelling car can help your furry friend feel more relaxed and at ease, reducing the chances of motion sickness. So, don't forget to clean your vehicle before hitting the road with your furry companion!

Wait an hour after your dog eats before taking them on a car ride.

Wait an hour after feeding your dog before taking them on a car ride because dogs are more likely to get motion sickness if they have a full stomach

When a dog's stomach is full, the car's movement can cause its stomach to slosh around. This could lead to nausea and vomiting. To avoid this, give your dog time to digest food before going on a car ride.

Stay calm and patient with your dog during car rides.

Dogs can sense when their owners are upset or stressed. This can make them even more uncomfortable. So, staying calm and soothing is vital to help your dog feel relaxed and comfortable in the car. 

You can use a gentle voice, comforting touches, and even offer treats or toys. By staying patient and calm, you can help your furry friend feel more at ease during car rides and hopefully prevent car sickness.

Distract your dog during the ride.

When dogs feel nauseous or anxious in the car, their attention is often focused on their feelings, which can worsen things. But by giving them something fun to do, like a special toy or treat they only get during car rides, you can help take their mind off any discomfort.

The idea here is to create positive associations with car travel and make it a more enjoyable experience for your pup. You can also try playing calming music or audiobooks to help soothe your dog and keep them relaxed during the ride.

Keeping your dog entertained and distracted can help them feel more comfortable and less likely to get car sick. 


Car sickness can really put a damper on a fun car ride with your furry friend. But don't worry; you can take some practical steps to prevent it! By following these tips with care, you can help your furry friend enjoy car rides without any discomfort!

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