How to Dog-Proof Your Home: 14 Essential Tips

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How to Dog-Proof Your Home: 14 Essential Tips

Are you a dog lover? 

Ensuring your dog’s safety is a priority and must not be taken lightly. 

Here are  14 practical tips for making our home safer for our best buddies! 

Make sure trash cans are secured and not easily accessible to your furry friend.

Dogs love to rummage through the garbage. They might accidentally ingest something harmful to their health, like spoiled food or plastic, which can cause digestive issues or even choking.

Plus, having garbage scattered around the house can be unsanitary and messy!

Invest in a trash can with a secure lid and keep your trash can in inaccessible locations to your dog.

Train your pup not to go near the trash and redirect their attention when they show interest in the garbage.

Store food and medications in cabinets or drawers inaccessible to your dog.

Dogs are curious creatures and can be attracted to the smell of human food or medications. However, some human foods and medications can harm dogs, even in small quantities. 

If you have medication that you need to take daily, consider using a pill organizer that can be stored safely out of your dog's reach, such as in cabinets or drawers.

Avoid leaving human food within your dog's reach or dishes unattended is also a good idea. We all know how quickly dogs can grab food when they're given the opportunity! 

Cover electrical cords to prevent your dog from being electrocuted.

Dogs are curious creatures and love to chew on things!

That's a fact!

To prevent your dog from chewing on electrical cords and getting electrocuted, you can cover them with cord covers or protective tubing specifically designed for this purpose. 

Keep electrical cords out of your dog's reach by rearranging your furniture or using zip ties to secure them to a wall or baseboard. It's essential to regularly check your cords for any damage or wear and tear and replace any cables that appear to be damaged or frayed. 

Remove any hazardous plants from the vicinity.

Did you know many common household plants can be toxic to dogs if ingested? 

You must remove these hazardous plants from your home to keep your dog safe and healthy. Some plants, when ingested,  can cause vomiting, diarrhea, and even death.  Examples of plants that are dangerous when consumed by your dog include: 

  • lilies
  • azaleas
  • and oleanders

And if you must have plants in your home, consider using dog-safe plants such as  spider plants or bamboo, and keep them out of your dog's reach.

Use pet gates to restrict your dog's access to some areas of the house.

Do you want to keep some parts of the house dog-free? 

Use pet gates to restrict your dog's access to certain areas, such as your kitchen, bedroom, or staircases. They can also help keep your dog away from potential hazards.

Pet gates are easy to find in pet stores or online. When choosing a pet gate, ensuring it's the appropriate size and securely installed is vital. 

However, it's essential to remember that pet gates should not be a substitute for proper training or supervision

Secure your windows and screens to prevent any accidents.

Dogs often enjoy looking out of windows, but they can be at risk of falling or damaging flimsy screens. To prevent any accidents, it's important to secure them properly.

One way to do this is by installing window stops or locks that prevent the window from opening too far. This allows for ventilation while keeping your dog safe. 

Additionally, consider installing sturdy screens that are difficult for your dog to damage and immediately replace any torn or damaged screens. If your dog likes to spend time by the window, you can also provide a comfortable bed or cushion to rest on while they gaze outside. 

Use child locks on cabinets and drawers to prevent your dog from opening them.

Using child locks on cabinets and drawers is a great way to keep your furry friend safe from potential hazards in your home. We know that dogs are naturally curious creatures and may be tempted to explore cabinets and drawers, which can contain dangerous items such as cleaning supplies or medications. 

Installing child locks is the quickest and easiest solution to prevent your dog from accessing these areas. You can find child locks at most hardware or home improvement stores, and they come in various types and styles to fit different types of cabinets and drawers. 

Cover vents and radiators to prevent accidents.

Radiators and heating vents can be dangerous for dogs. They may accidentally touch these hot surfaces or get stuck in ducts. Dogs can be naturally curious and may want to check out these areas for warmth or exploration. 

The good news is that you can cover radiators and vents to prevent your furry friend from getting hurt. You can buy covers made for this purpose or use materials like mesh or wire. 

Choosing a sturdy and secure cover that won't quickly move or become dislodged is essential. Supervising your dog in areas with radiators or vents is also a good idea, especially if they're prone to wandering. 

Keep the toilet lids down, or use locks to keep them down.

Absolutely necessary!

Dogs are curious creatures and like to explore their surroundings, sometimes including drinking from the toilet bowl, which contains cleaning chemicals, bacteria, and other harmful substances that can make your dog sick.

Train your dog to drink from a clean, fresh water source, such as a water bowl.

Use non-slip mats on slippery surfaces to prevent your dog from slipping.

Non-slip mats are important for keeping our furry friends safe, especially those with trouble getting around or slipping on smooth surfaces. If you have hardwood or tile floors, it's easy for your dog to lose their footing and get injured, but an excellent non-slip mat can help prevent accidents. 

Place these mats where your dog spends a lot of time, like in front of their food and water bowls or near their bed. You can even use them in places where your dog likes to play or exercise. Ensure it's securely in place so it doesn't slide around and cause more damage to your dog.  

Keep sharp objects out of reach to prevent your dog from getting hurt.

Sharp objects can cause serious harm to your furry friend because even a small cut can lead to an infection or other health problems. 

Make sure to store sharp objects, like knives and scissors, in cabinets or drawers that your dog can't open. Avoid leaving them on countertops or tables where your dog might be able to access them. 

Additionally, be extra cautious when using sharp objects around your dog to avoid sudden movements or accidental drops that could startle or injure them. 

Keep chemicals and cleaning supplies out of your dog's reach.

Common household cleaning products contain chemicals that can be dangerous for your dog. It can cause respiratory problems or painful chemical burns when ingested or inhaled. 

So, store cleaning supplies safely to keep your dog healthy and out of harm's way. 

Avoid using cleaning products around your dog or keeping them out of the room until the area is completely dry and the fumes have dissipated.

Remove small objects that could be a choking hazard.

Yes, removing small objects that could be a choking hazard is integral to dog-proofing your home. It can be dangerous if dogs swallow something small that gets lodged in their throat and causes choking. 

Small objects like toys, bones, balls, rubber bands, coins, and paper clips should be kept out of your dog's reach.

Monitor your dog, especially during playtime, aside from keeping hazardous items out of their reach. Call your veterinarian immediately if you suspect your dog has swallowed something hazardous.

Use pet-friendly cleaners to avoid exposing your dog to harmful chemicals.

To keep your dog safe, using specifically designed pet-friendly cleaners is crucial. These products are from natural ingredients. They don't contain any harsh chemicals that could harm your dog. 

You can find pet-friendly cleaners at most pet stores or department stores. These products are still as effective as traditional cleaning products. 


Keeping your home safe for your dog shows how much you care about them and how committed you are as a pet owner. A safe and comfortable environment for them ensures you can create a safe and comfortable living environment to keep your dog healthy and happy for years to come!

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