What to Think About Before Adopting a Utonagan: 28 Key Questions

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What to Think About Before Adopting a Utonagan: 28 Key Questions

The Utonagan is a gentle, friendly and family-orientated dog that has been bred to look like a wolf. This hybrid breed was created by mixing Alaskan Malamutes, Siberian Huskies and German Shepherds and has been around since the 1980s. Utonagans are rarely aggressive but do need firm, experienced owners. This is a high energy breed that needs plenty of exercise and time outside each day. Find out if a Utonagan is the best dog for your home and lifestyle below.

1. Are Utonagans good for first-time owners?

No, Utonagan dogs require a firm and consistent owner as the breed is known for being strong-willed and this can develop into unwanted behaviours if not handled appropriately.

2. Do Utonagans make good family pets?

Yes, although the Utonagan looks like a wolf they are loving, gentle dogs that are very family-orientated. They have no wolf DNA and no wolf behaviours, this breed are 100% domestic dogs. This means Utonagans are well balanced dogs and make excellent family pets.

3. Are Utonagans good with children?

Yes, Utonagans are excellent with children. These dogs are calm, even-tempered and seem to love spending time with children. As Utonagans are large and they can be boisterous when they play it is important to supervise them around children as a large dog could easily knock over a small child during play.

4. Are Utonagans friendly?

Yes, they are friendly, gentle dogs that are outgoing and confident when socialised from a young age. Utonagans often approach people with a wagging tail, even when they don’t know the people. This is a sweet, affectionate dog.

5. Is the Utonagan a mixed breed?

Yes, the Utonagan was created by breeding Siberian Huskies, Alaskan Malamutes and German Shepherds. This is a hybrid dog breed that was created to look like a wolf but have the behavioural traits and characteristics of a domestic dog.

6. Is the Utonagan a working dog?

No, this breed was developed as a companion animal so was not breed with any work-specific traits. Unlike the breeds the Utonagan has been developed from, this breed is not a working dog, rescue dog or guard dog.

7. How big are Utonagans?

This is a large dog breed that stands between 58 - 76cm tall and weighs between 25 - 50kg. The females tend to be slightly smaller than the males.

8. What does the Utonagan look like?

This is a large, strong dog that has an athletic appearance. Utonagans are well balanced but powerful. Their eyes are wolf-like with a yellow/ light amber - brown colour and their ears have rounded tips. The tail of the Utonagan is bushy and carried high and straight. Their coat is thick and straight but sheds during summer making it a lot less dense. Utonagans are grey, black, tan or buff in colour. This dog breed looks a lot like a wolf and moves with effortless grace and power.

9. How much exercise does an Utonagan need?

The Utonagan is an active, high-energy dog breed that needs plenty of daily exercise. They need a long daily walk of at least one hour as well as plenty of playtime and free time spent in a secure garden. Lots of time spent outside being active is needed to keep Utonagans healthy and prevent them from becoming bored and displaying destructive behaviours.

10. Do Utonagans shed?

Yes, the thick coat of the Utonagan sheds moderately throughout the year and heavily twice a year. During the time of heavy shedding you can expect their fur to be everywhere, daily brushing will be needed to keep on top of this.

11. How much grooming does an Utonagan need?

Utonagans need to be brushed daily when they are shedding heavily and will need to be brushed at least weekly throughout the rest of the year. Their coats require very little additional attention and don’t need to be trimmed or stripped. The Utonagans' ears need to be checked and cleaned regularly to prevent infections too.

12. Do Utonagans bark a lot?

Some of these dogs are known for barking or howling often but this can be stopped with training. Other Utonagans will only bark at strangers or when they are unsure about something.

13. Are Utonagans intelligent?

Yes, Utonagans are highly intelligent and respond well to training. They can get bored easily so it is important to keep this breed stimulated with training and games. Utonagans are intelligent, quick-witted and love to have something to do. Their intelligence means they can pick up bad habits as quickly as they pick up good ones which is why proper training is essential.

14. Are Utonagans easy to train?

Yes, these dogs are fast learners and enjoy training. They respond well providing the training is firm and consistent. Utonagans learn quickly but need clear boundaries otherwise they can become dominant and difficult to handle.

15. How long do Utonagans live?

On average, Utonagans live between 12 - 15 years.

16. Are Utonagans good with other dogs?

Yes, these dogs are friendly and get on well with other dogs. Utonagans are very social so enjoy spending time with other dogs. These dogs do well as part of a pack so they won’t mind if there are other dogs in the family.

17. Are Utonagans good with other pets?

Utonagans will get on with other pets they have grown up around but wouldn’t think twice about chasing animals they are unfamiliar with. Care should be taken when introducing Utonagans to new animals.

18. Are Utonagans good watchdogs?

Utonagan are not natural watchdogs due to their friendly nature. However, they can be quick to let their owners know if there is a problem. Utonagans are not aggressive and usually prefer to keep their distance and bark if they think something is not right.

19. Are Utonagans good with strangers?

Utonagans are good natured and are laid back around new people but may bark or keep their distance if they are unsure. It doesn’t take long for an Utonagan to become familiar and friendly with new people.

20. Do Utonagans have a high prey drive?

Yes, Utonagans have a high prey drive which means they may chase smaller animals. Due to this, it is important extra care is taken when walking off lead in areas where there may be wildlife or livestock.

21. Are Utonagans playful?

Yes, these dogs have playful personalities and particularly enjoy interactive games. This breed thrives on being around people and loves to play and entertain children. The Utonagan is also a great dog breed for participating in canine sports which they often see as a blend of playing and training.

22. Can Utonagans live in an apartment?

No, Utonagans are best suited to living in homes with large, secure back gardens. This is a large dog that needs plenty of space and wants to spend lots of time outside.

23. Can Utonagans be left on their own during the day?

No, these dogs are not happy when left on their own. They form strong bonds with their families and are best suited to living in homes where someone is always going to be at home with them. When left alone a Utonagan can suffer from separation anxiety.

24. Do Utonagans like water?

Yes, many Utonagans love water and will swim at any opportunity. These dogs are especially keen to swim when the weather is hot. The thick fur of Utonagans mean they are prone to overheating so during summer it’s best to walk them early in the morning or in the evening when it’s cooler.

25. What health issues are common in Utonagans?

Although this is a healthy breed that has a long lifespan, there are a few common health issues Utonagans may experience. This includes epilepsy, hip dysplasia, von Willebrand’s disease, Addison’s disease and eye problems.

26. Are Utonagans healthy dogs?

Yes, Utonagans are known for being a healthy, robust breed. As this breed has only been around since the 1980s there is limited information available on hereditary health conditions.

27. Is the Utonagan a good choice for allergy sufferers?

No, Utonagans are not a good choice for allergy sufferers. They shed moderately and are not considered to be hypoallergenic.

28. How much do Utonagans cost?

You can expect Utonagan puppies to cost around £1500, the breed is rare in the UK so the cost of puppies may be higher. The cost of food and insurance for this breed will be approximately £85 per month.

Utonagans are incredible dogs, they are strong, athletic and have an overall impressive appearance. At first glance, many people think the Utonagan is a wolf but this dog breed has no wolf DNA and has the temperament of a domestic dog. The Utonagan is gentle, friendly and loves being in a family environment but they can be strong-willed and stubborn so need experienced owners that will “lead the pack”. The Utonagan is a fantastic family dog when given the right training, daily exercise and mental stimulation.

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