Essential Things to Understand About Beagles

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Essential Things to Understand About Beagles

If you’re getting a Beagle you may think that this is just a dog breed like any other, just cuter. That’s only half true, however. While Beagles are undeniably adorable they also have quite a few other key characteristics that set them apart from other breeds. Some of those are extra perks you’ll get to enjoy but some of the others are important notes you’d better get familiar with ahead of time. So, we thought we’d go over the 8 crucial facts to know about the Beagle.

8 things to consider before getting a Beagle

Beagles may be small but they are not a “small dog breed”. With a Beagle, you’ll get a dog that very much behaves and views itself as a large hound breed, just in a smaller package. This makes Beagles a fan favorite for a lot of people but does it make them right for you?

1. Beagles are expert hunters

Beagles are indeed a scent hound breed. These dogs were primarily used for hunting hares and rabbits which is why they have both phenomenal noses as well as pretty athletic, energetic, and strong bodies.

Beagles are fast enough to chase down a hare but also small enough to easily track one. In addition to their powerful noses, they also have the signature large and low-hanging ears of scent hounds that help wave air and scents around the muzzle and nose. That’s why when fox hunting started getting more popular, Beagles were crossbred with Buckhounds to produce the Foxhound breed.

All these qualities don’t make Beagles just good hunters, however – it turns out they make them great service dogs too. Today, Beagles are also used at many airports as luggage sniffers to catch illegal imports, drugs, and even the accidental import of foreign bugs and diseases. That’s right, Beagle noses are so strong that they can identify something as tiny as a miniature bug inside a closed suitcase. That’s why these dogs are also expert bed bug detectors.

2. This is one truly vocal breed

You thought Huskies are the most impressive singers of the canine world? Beagles not only love howling but they are also not averse to barking like the Siberian sled-pullers. What’s more, Beagles also have a third and pretty unique vocal skill called “baying”. They used this yodel-like sound when hunting and continue to do so as pet dogs whenever they want something.

So, suffice it to say that your life will never be quiet with a Beagle in your home. It’s likely why the breed is called the way it is – after the French word “begueule” or “gaped throat”.

Going for some no-bark training is recommended if you don’t want to drive your neighbors insane. But even with such training your Beagle will still opt for expressing his opinions when he deems it necessary. So, while apartment living is generally ok for this breed, you’d need to make sure that’s all right for your neighbors.

3. Beagles come in two different-sized sub-breeds

Beagles are not a large breed but they also don’t all come in the same size. In fact, there are two size categories for Beagles – standard and small. The difference between the two isn’t huge which is why most people aren’t aware of it.

Standard Beagles can be as tall as 15 or 16 inches at the shoulder (38 to 40 cm) depending on which kennel club you ask. Small Beagles, however, can’t be taller than 13 inches or 33 cm. So, the difference isn’t all that major and the two sub-breeds can obviously be bred with each other.

The smaller variety usually doesn’t weigh north of 20 pounds or 9 kg without being overweight. The larger standard Beagle can go as high as 30 pounds or 14 kg but even that’s on the border between small and medium breeds. In other words, even the larger “standard” Beagle is still considered a small dog breed.

4. These dogs are smart but pretty head-strong too

Like all other scent hound breeds, Beagles are highly intelligent. They’ve been bred to be just that as they needed to memorize and follow complex commands in the field.

Just like all scent hound breeds, however, Beagles are also pretty willful and outright stubborn at times. This can be annoying for a pet owner but was an intentional feature of the breed. After all, they were supposed to track, chase, and take town quite a stubborn, fast, and elusive prey.

What this means for you as a pet owner is that you’ll get a highly intelligent and capable dog that’d also be tricky to train. Adequate obedience training is a must early in the dog’s life if you want to ever have proper control over your dog.

If you go through some basic training, however, a Beagle will be a perfectly obedient and loyal pet for you. These dogs are smart enough to be taught all kinds of manners of commands and routines, hence why they are used as service dogs too.

5. Beagles are very social and affectionate, almost to a fault

For all their stubborn and opinionated nature, Beagles are ultimately a highly social and friendly breed. They love their people and they need constant company. Some socialization is, of course, still needed, especially if you plan to have guests often, if you have or want to have kids, or if you want your dog to get along with other canines, cats, and pets. Just don’t get a rabbit.

However, once the proper socialization has been done, a Beagle should get along with everybody around it. In fact, these dogs are so social that separation anxiety can be an issue. Definitely consider that ahead of time if you know that you’ll need to leave your dog home alone for extended periods of time.

6. These dogs are quite energetic for their size and can be a handful

Beagles may be tiny but you’d be wrong to underestimate how bulky, sturdy, and muscular they also are. So, if you think you’d be getting some small trembling dog that needs to be carried in a purse at all times, think again. Instead, Beagles are the type of breed to run ahead of you and pull their leash as hard as possible as they push to explore faster and further in the dog park.

And, yes, using a leash with this breed is a must at all times as is the case with all hounds. Without a leash, your Beagle is liable to just run off after the first squirrel it sees even if you’ve trained your dog well – it’s just the Beagle’s instinct.

So, how much exercise does such a dog need? Fortunately, the Beagle’s small size counteracts its energetic nature so a couple of 45-minute walks a day should be enough for an adult large Beagle. The smaller variety of the breed can do with somewhat shorter walks too. The rest of their energy they’ll be happy to spend at home or in the yard. If you do have a yard, make sure it’s properly fenced too – for the same reason why you always want to leash your dog.

7. Double-coated and coming in various colors, the Beagle needs a fair bit of grooming

A Beagle’s coat is typically tri-color – a combination of white, black, and red, fawn, or red. Beagles can be bi-color too but that’s much rarer. In even more unique cases can a Beagle ever be just a single color.

All Beagles have a double-layered coat too. This means moderate shedding and some coat blow-out in the spring and fall too. Fortunately, thanks to their small size, that means a manageable amount of loose hair. Just remember to brush and groom your Beagle regularly and everything should be fine.

8. These dogs are healthy and boast a good life expectancy

The average lifespan of a healthy Beagle can be as high as 15 years. Some can live even longer than that if taken good care of. Always make sure that the pup you’re getting has a health certificate though. Without it, you’d need to watch out for certain health problems such as Hip dysplasia , Luxating patella , Eye disorders , Hypothyroidism , Epilepsy, and others.

In short, Beagles can be both easy and challenging to take care of, depending on how you go about it. These small but sturdy dogs are far from a toy breed and are a potent and powerful working dog breed which shouldn’t be ignored if you want to adopt one as a family pet. Still, they are also social, gentle, affectionate, and friendly. So, with the right care, training, and socialization, Beagles can become not just good but outright phenomenal pets.

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