Consider These 26 Questions Before Getting a Norwegian Lundehund
There are many fantastic dog breeds that unfortunately haven’t gotten overly popular as family pets. One great example of that is the Norwegian Lundehund breed.
Bred almost exclusively on the Norwegian island Vaeroy to hunt for puffins of all things, this breed has extra toes, elastic necks, and a lot of other fantastic features. And yet – they haven’t “hit the mainstream” for some reason. So, if you want to figure out whether this dog is right for you, check out our list of the 26 questions that should be considered before getting a Norwegian Lundehund.
1. Are Norwegian Lundehund good dogs?
The Norwegian Lundehund is a pretty social, joyous, and playful breed. These dogs have very warm and mild personalities as they’ve been bred and trained to live around people as well as work and live with us 24/7. As former puffin hunters, Lundehunds have never been bred to be aggressive toward people or other dogs so they are pretty easy-going.
2. How much does a Norwegian Lundehund cost?
The average price of a purebred Norwegian Lundehund is usually around $2,000 from breeders. This can feel pretty steep but that’s the price of a rare, purebred, healthy, and pretty unique pet. You can hypothetically find Lundehunds for less in shelters but that’s unlikely given how rare this breed is.
3. Are Norwegian Lundehund dogs healthy?
Yes, by and large, this is a pretty healthy breed. The Norwegian Lundehund hasn’t reached the level of popularity that often drives a lot of breeds (or rather – a lot of breeds’ breeders) into overbreeding and inbreeding. Instead, Norwegian Lundehund breeders have had the freedom to breed their dogs for health and for good personality traits. So, the few things to watch out for include Patellar luxation and some eye disorders.
4. How big are Norwegian Lundehund dogs?
This breed may sound like a big dog but they are actually on the smaller side of average. Males grow up to 13.75 or 15 inches by the shoulder (35 to 38 cm) and females – up to 12.5 to 13.75 inches (31.75 to 35 cm). As for their weight, both male and female adults will usually weigh somewhere between 13 and 20 lbs (6 to 9 kg).
5. How long do Norwegian Lundehund dogs live on average?
The standard expected lifespan of the Norwegian Lundehund breed is 12 to 14 years. This is pretty in line with other Spitz breeds of their size and is pretty good overall. Besides, this is just an average – a healthy Norwegian Lundehund that’s taken care of well can live well beyond the 14-year-old mark.
6. Are Norwegian Lundehund aggressive?
Not at all, at least not when properly trained. These dogs have never been bred and used for anything else than puffin-huntin’ so they’ve never needed to be aggressive. This makes them poor guard and watch dogs but excellent family pets.
7. Is the Norwegian Lundehund breed social and friendly?
The Norwegian Lundehund is quite friendly which helps it get along with families of all sizes and even with strangers. Of course, some socialization will be required as will some obedience training but that’s true for any dog.
8. Are Norwegian Lundehund dogs good with kids?
Indeed they are. The Lundehund’s friendly and gentle nature makes them an excellent breed for families with kids, including younger ones. Some supervision will be needed at first but that’s always the case. Especially if the dog has been raised with the child, there will be nothing to worry about. The Lundehund is small enough to even avoid accidental knocks and accidents.
9. Does the Norwegian Lundehund breed get along with other dogs?
The Norwegian Lundehund doesn’t seem to have any instinctive aggression toward other canines, regardless of breed. This dog has never been used as a shepherd breed against wolves or as a fighting breed. Instead, the Lundehund has only ever worked together with other dogs. So, a proper introduction and socialization should be enough for your Lundehund to get along with any other canine.
10. Can you have a cat with a Norwegian Lundehund dog?
Cats and other non-canine pets can be tricky to look after with a Lundehund. With enough training and socialization, they can get along. But it will take some work as this breed has a pretty strong prey drive.
11. Do Norwegian Lundehund like to cuddle?
Even though they are energetic and playful, Lundehunds are not above an extensive cuddle session once they get tired. Not really a lap breed, this dog will still love to cuddle with you on the sofa, couch, bed, or just on your feet.
12. How smart are Norwegian Lundehund dogs?
Lundehunds are a very smart breed that will happily engage in all types of games and tasks with you. They aren’t regarded as one of the “smartest” breeds out there but they are certainly far from dumb.
13. How much exercise does a Norwegian Lundehund need?
30-60 minutes of active outdoor time are usually enough to keep this breed fit. The rest of their energy Lundehunds can happily expel indoors chasing balls and playing with dog toys.
14. Do you need a yard for a Norwegian Lundehund dog?
Lundehunds don’t “need” a yard and can be raised as strictly indoor pets. However, if you have a well-fenced yard, they will certainly enjoy it, even if it’s on the smaller side.
15. Are Norwegian Lundehund dogs escape artists?
Very much so – Lundehunds love to dig and are enthusiastic jumpers. Their prey drive also means they love to chase birds, squirrels, and other urban wildlife. So – make sure your yard is properly fenced.
16. Why are Norwegian Lundehund so rare?
While cute, Norwegian Lundehunds don’t have a particularly captivating appearance, at least not according to most people. So, they’ve never managed to capture the public’s eye the way some other breeds have. Some difficulties with training can also be an issue.
17. Do Norwegian Lundehund dogs bark a lot?
Lundehunds are prone to barking which may present a problem if you live in an apartment. Good obedience training and a bit of no-bark training will solve this issue, however.
18. Are Norwegian Lundehund easy to train?
Obedience training is moderately difficult with this breed but what truly stumps a lot of owners is the housebreaking. Some Lundehunds can be near-impossible to housebreak so arm yourself with patience.
19. Do Norwegian Lundehund suffer from separation anxiety?
While pretty social and smart, the Lundehund doesn’t seem as prone to separation anxiety as other family pet breeds.
20. Reasons not to get a Norwegian Lundehund
The biggest reason many owners avoid this breed is the expected difficulties with training. This simply isn’t a breed for the inexperienced.
21. What were Norwegian Lundehunds bred for originally?
These dogs were used exclusively as puffin hunters. However, once these unique birds got classified as endangered species, the Lundehund became exclusively a pet breed.
22. Is it true that Norwegian Lundehund dogs have some unique physical characteristics?
Indeed they do. In a Norwegian Lundehund you will see some fascinating physical features such as:
- An extra paw pad on every paw
- Six (and sometimes – more) fully functioning toes on every leg
- Ears that can fold shut
- An “elastic neck” that can crane back to the point that the Lundehund can touch its own spine with its nose.
- Flexible shoulders that allow the legs to extend to the side, perpendicular to the body
Suffice it to say, this is a truly unique dog to have.
23. Do Norwegian Lundehund dogs have a double coat?
Like most other Spitz breeds, the Lundehund has a dense double coat which allows it to survive in the Norwegian cold. This means that the breed sheds seasonally by blowing its coat in the spring and autumn.
24. Do Norwegian Lundehunds shed a lot?
The Lundehund won’t shed too much for 10 months a year but will blow out its coat pretty significantly in the spring and fall. Proper grooming before that point can take care of most of that, however.
25. Are Norwegian Lundehunds hypoallergenic?
Not really – no dog is truly hypoallergenic but the Lundehund isn’t even a little bit easier on people with allergies.
26. Where can you get a Norwegian Lundehund from?
You will need to find a reputable breeder of purebred puppies somewhere in your area. Such breeders can be rare, unfortunately, but you still shouldn’t compromise on the “quality” of the breeder – never get a puppy that doesn’t come with a health certificate and family history.
Norwegian Lundehunds do sound fascinating, don’t they? What’s more, they are fascinating in a pretty awesome way – one that also makes them great family pets too. There are some peculiarities to consider but all in all, this breed is very fun to live with and not at all difficult to look after.