20 Questions to Consider Before Getting a Senegal Parrot

8 min read
Updated on: May 21, 2024
20 Questions to Consider Before Getting a Senegal Parrot

Native to the woods of central Africa, today Senegal parrots can be found in almost any big pet store. Bred in captivity rather than caught in the wild, these pet birds are perfectly suited for indoor life. That is, as long as you take good care of them.

Is said care too much compared to other parrots and pet birds, however? Or are Senegal parrots easy to look after and beginner-friendly? How can you best look after your little green/yellow/grey bird? We’ll go over that and more below.

1. Is the Senegal parrot friendly and social?

This parrot species is exceptionally social, friendly, and affectionate. This bird is very comfortable around people and loves to play. Still, the default for this bird is a one-person household. If you have a larger family, you should socialize your parrot well.

Parrot socialization is not as simple as it is for dogs but it’s still quite easy to do.

2. How much does a Senegal parrot cost?

These parrots are very moderately priced and are neither too expensive nor overly cheap. Depending on where you live, you should be able to get a Senegal parrot for $200 to $500. Outside of the US, the prices can be even lower.

3. Do Senegal parrots talk?

Senegal parrots can easily learn several dozen different words. They are smart enough to catch most of the simpler meanings too such as “food”, “play”, “out”, and so on. They are also very good at mimicking sounds.

Overall, however, Senegal parrots are not as talkative as some other parrots. If you want a bird you’re sure can and will talk, make sure it knows at least a couple of words when you buy it.

4. Is the Senegal parrot a healthy pet?

Senegal parrots are relatively healthy and shouldn’t give you too much trouble as long as you take good care of them . The main thing to watch out for is Aspergillosis – a fungal disease that’s common for a lot of other birds too. Proper cleanliness and hygiene is the best way to avoid this problem.

Another thing to be on the lookout for is Bornavirus – it can be transmitted from other infected birds. It’s typically identified with poor digestion and weight loss. There’s no treatment, unfortunately, and the outcome is not pleasant. So, be careful about contacts with other birds.

Lastly, Senegal parrots are prone to getting overweight so be careful with your bird’s feeding schedule and food quality.

5. Do Senegal parrots like being handled?

Well-socialized Senegal parrots do in fact appreciate handling. Properly handling a parrot does take a bit of training, however. If you want your bird to enjoy it, not to bite, and not to get hurt, check out some video guides such as this one.

6. How big is the Senegal parrot?

Senegal parrots are relatively small for a parrot but that makes them even better suited for indoor life. The typical adult Senegal parrot will grow up to 9 inches or 23 cm from the top of its head to the end of its tail. It will also weigh somewhere between 4.2 and 6 ounces or 120 to 170 grams.

7. What is the life expectancy of the Senegal parrot?

One of the best features of the Senegal parrot is their great lifespan. A well taken care of parrot will live up to 30 years on average. That’s both very long for a pet as well as not as absurdly long as is the case with some other parrots. Getting a Senegal parrot all but guarantees that you’ll have an awesome companion for a long time.

8. Does the Senegal parrot get along with kids?

While the Cockatiel is often cited as the best bird for kids, Senegal parrots are also up for consideration. These birds’ mild manner, friendly nature, small size, as well as their playfulness are all great qualities for a kid-friendly parrot.

9. What cage do you need for the Senegal parrot?

These parrots are not too large so they don’t need the biggest cages either. Still – the bigger the better as it will give your parrot more room to fly around. The bare minimum is 20x20x28 inches (50x50x70 cm) but larger is better.

The cage should be equipped with plenty of perches and horizontal bars. There should also be plenty of toys in and on it for the parrot to play with. There should be several feeding and water bowls too.

10. Can you look after a Senegal parrot together with other pets?

While the parrot itself won’t mind having other animals around, many of the popular pets such as cats and dogs are predatory toward birds. You may be able to socialize and train a dog or even a cat to not attack your parrot but that’s difficult. So, birds are generally best-suited for apartments without other pets.

11. Does the Senegal parrot get along with other birds?

Contrary to their social nature toward humans, Senegal parrots are actually very aggressive toward other birds. A Senegal parrot will attack any bird smaller or of the same size as him. This includes other Senegal parrots. So, this bird is recommended for single-pet households.

12. Is it ok to let the Senegal parrot out of its cage?

Not only is it ok – it’s required. Sennies, as they are often called, love interacting with people and need that socialization. So, you should let your parrot out of its cage for at least an hour a day when you’re home. That time should be spent playing and interacting with the parrot as much as possible, preferably on a parrot stand. If you can spare more time – that’s great.

13. What should you feed your Senegal parrot?

Another awesome thing about the Senegal parrot is that it’s a vegetarian. This makes feeding this bird even easier. A Sennie should eat about a quarter of a cup per day, filled with various fresh fruits, vegetables, and some seeds. The preferable seeds for this bird include chia, hemp, and flax, but many nuts work great too.

14. How to prepare your home for a Senegal parrot?

As with any other parrot, you will need to bird-proof your home or at least the room(s) your Sennie will have access to. This means putting mosquito nets on the windows, removing everything you don’t want to be scratched, and closing/blocking all other exits.

15. Are Senegal parrots good for beginners?

Overall – yes, Senegal parrots are great for beginners. That is, as far as parrots are concerned. Parrots are very different from cats and dogs so if this is your first parrot you will need to do quite a bit of preparation and research. However, compared to other parrots and pet birds, Sennies are relatively easy to deal with. Their mild personality, high intelligence, and friendly and social nature make them a very good choice.

16. Are Senegal parrots cuddly?

When they are well-socialized and taught how to be handled – yes, Sennies can be very cuddly. Those first two caveats are a must, however. If a Senegal parrot hasn’t been taught to be handled and played with, you don’t want to “cuddle” with it.

17. Do Senegal parrot bites hurt?

They do, as do all parrot bites. Given that they are smaller than other parrots, Sennies are less dangerous. However, if they get scared, they can still deliver a nasty bite.

18. Is the Senegal parrot noisy?

This colorful and adorable parrot is surprisingly quiet. Even though it can talk and mimick sounds, it almost never creates that much of a ruckus. Instead, this bird loves to play but does so quietly without feeling the need to make a sound for every move of its feathers like so many other pet parrots do.

So, if you want a parrot that won’t keep you up at night will still being plenty of fun during the day – the Senegal parrot is a great choice.

19. Are Senegal parrots destructive?

While these birds do love to chew, they aren’t any worse in that regard than other parrots. As long as you’ve provided your Sennie with enough chewable toys to play with, there should be little trouble for the rest of your home.

20. Senegal parrot water needs

You should clean and refill your parrot’s water bowls daily to prevent any infections and other health problems.

As you can see, there are a lot of factors that make Senegal parrots such a wonderful pet. While they do require a fair bit of preparation and care, they are relatively low-maintenance for a pet bird. They are smaller, less costly, and also less noisy than most other pet parrots but they can still talk and mimic sounds.

All in all, if you like their multi-colored feathers and you’re looking for a small and easily manageable bird, the Senegal parrot is a great choice.

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